Taking it to the Streets ministers to the homeless and impoverished of San Antonio and the Hill Country by serving meals, distributing clothing and other basic necessities, and building God-honoring relationships with those we serve.

Join us as we serve dinner and love every Saturday night from 724 Chestnut Street in downtown San Antonio. Our fellowship nights are the heart beat of our ministry and something you do not want to miss.

Taking it to the Streets is a 501c3 and is funded through private donations and a handful of churches. We serve a mighty God that provides. If you feel called to participate financially, click on the button below.

Downtown Dinners
We serve approximately 200-250 men and women every Saturday night at 724 Chestnut St. in San Antonio. But we can’t do it without YOU!! We ask that you arrive between 5:30 and 5:45 pm on Saturday. We usually wrap up around 8:30 pm. Please dress casually and appropriately for the weather.
Registration is NOT required for individuals. Register for Meal Signup to shop, prepare and cook the dinner. Register for Group Sign Up for groups of 5 or more or you want to provide a special blessing.
Special blessings can be in the form of a special treat, clothing, jackets or blankets, socks, reading resources. The blessing can also be in the form of a services like feet washing, haircuts, painting nails, or just being prayer partners. If we know what you are doing, we can come alongside and add support.
Don’t Miss Out!
Stay up to date with upcoming events and opportunities for you, your church, and your community.